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Sweet Potatoes Stuffed With Chickpeas and Eggplant

Good day! 

This delicious and filling meal is a great alternative for
vegetarian/vegan family members or friends during the holidays. 

sweet potatoes


  • 400g canned chickpeas (265g drained)
  • 1 eggplant
  • 5 (small) sweet potatoes
  • 250 ml cream (I used Alpro Soya Cuisine Light)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 heaping tsp curry powder
  • Pepper and salt to taste

sweet potatoes ingredients


Prepare your sweet potatoes.
I make them according to this method.

In the mean time you can cut your eggplant
into small pieces and drain your chickpeas.

Add the olive oil to a pan and bake the eggplant
for 7 minutes and stir occasionally.
Then you can add the chickpeas for 3 minutes.

After that you can add the cream, curry powder,
salt and pepper.
Bake and stir for about 3 minutes or until everything is warm. 

Take the sweet potatoes out of the oven,
when they are ready and add your mixture on top. 


Happy holidays!