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Salad with Avocado and Eggs

Hi there!

Today you can find another delicious salad recipe.
The "eggs in an avocado idea"
was inspired by Pascale Naessens

salad avocado

Ingredients for two salads:

salad avocado ingredients


Preheat the oven to 180°C. 
Cut the avocados in half and take out the stone. 
Crack the eggs in the hole of the avocado.

avocado egg

Put in an oven tray and bake for 10 minutes. 
In the mean time you can divide the lettuce onto two plates.
Chop the walnuts and sundried tomatoes
and add on top of your lettuce. 
When the avocados are ready you can add them to your salad.

Finally, top the salad with your favorite dressing and enjoy!

Please tag me on Instagram if you have made this recipe.